2024年2月4日に台湾、オーストラリア、そして国内から研究者をお迎えしてワークショップ “WE-Issue and Its Social Implications”を開催します。
Workshop “WE-Issue and Its Social Implications”
This workshop brings together scholars from different research streams on self and identity to open interdisciplinary discussions on ontological, phenomenological, ethical, and axiological questions concerning the collective “WE”, of which humans always remain members, with their social implications.
Date: Sunday, February 4, 2024 (10:30 am − 17:15 pm)
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Research Bldg. No 2 (#34 on this map), Seminar Room No. 10.
Speakers and Presentation Titles:
Yasuo Deguchi, We-Turn and Its Social Implications
Cheng-Ju Lu, The Expansion-Constriction Dynamics of Time-Space Experience and Its Link to Self
Yen-Yi Shi, The Whole-Part Concept of Spiritual Growth From the Perspective of Psychological Space
Takafumi Kato, Peircean ‘WE’: Semiotics for Smart Communities in the Future
Kevin Berryman, Interdependent Responsibility in Light of Not-Self
Kai-Yuan Cheng, A World-based View of Personal Identity in the Zhuangzi
Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University) and Kazuhiro Watanabe (Kyoto University)
Please find attached the workshop program for more information.
WE-Issue and Its Social Implications開催レポート
2月4日、Smart-WEプログラム(JSPS/JST)とCAPE(京都大学文学研究科応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター)の共催により、ワークショップ”WE-Issue and Its Social Implications”が盛会のうちに開催されました。当日は出口康夫教授による開会挨拶ならびに講演から始まり、Cheng-Ju Lu氏(国立陽明交通大学)、Yen-Yi Shi氏(国立陽明交通大学)、加藤隆文先生(大阪成蹊大学)、Kevin Berryman氏(モナシュ大学)、Kai-Yuan Cheng教授(国立陽明交通大学)らが発表を行いました。